Derick in Ontario

I was born with an imperforate anus. There are different types of the condition. My situation was that I was born without the opening (which was corrected through surgery at birth) and without a sphincter muscle. Other complications have surfaced over the years but I've been lucky that none of them have been serious. All that to say, I suffer from fecal incontinence. I've had it since birth so it's been my reality all along. I've been hesitant to share because it's been a source of anxiety over the years and certainly a source of embarrassment. I wear protection to this day and still have those incredibly embarrassing situations that arise when you suffer from fecal incontinence. It's never something that's obvious until it becomes really obvious to those around you.

I was extremely fortunate to have wonderful friends and family, but like anything that causes you anxiety and embarrassment, I always chose not to discuss it. I still have my share of embarrassing moments but I don't want that to stop me from doing the things I enjoy, especially being out in the community and working with local organizations. Hosting a live television for 11 years has been challenging for me on many occasions as well. After meeting so many people over the last few years suffering from different forms of incontinence, I figured it was time to stand up and share my story. It wouldn't change a thing about my life. My personality has been greatly shaped by my medical circumstances and that's played a key role in who I've become. Incontinence isn't about being old, it happens for a variety of reasons and it can isolate people. If you have a story I encourage you to share it. I'm sorry I haven't shared my story sooner.


Ottawa boy Derick Fage is both the host and producer of daytime Ottawa on Rogers TV. Daytime Ottawa is a live television show and is your window on Ottawa! People tune into daytime to find out what's going on in their city: community events, entertainment, colourful personalities - even cooking tips from top area chefs! Derick has always had a passion for acting and entertaining others. Over the past 25 years he has focused on his passion of entertaining, starring in a number of independent films. He’s also a veteran of live theatre, where he has portrayed over a dozen characters. Derick has been the host of daytime Ottawa since 2004 and took on the added role of producer in January of 2014.

Derick enjoys hosting and producing daytime Ottawa for a number of reasons; the wonderful volunteers working behind the scenes, the friendships he’s made over the years, and meeting the people of Ottawa that make this city a great place to live, work and play.

A self-proclaimed child at heart, Derick is curious about everyone and everything, and it’s this very quality that engages viewers daily on daytime. Derick thrives on conveying what’s happening in Ottawa to viewers in a fun and informative manner. He considers his job at Rogers TV, his dream job, and feels extremely fortunate to have his dream job in the city he has always called home.

Derick has been featured in a number of magazines including FACES Magazine, Ottawa at Home, Press the Fashion and Pounou.

In 2012, Derick was awarded with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his continuing work in the community and his contributions to a number of charitable organizations. Yvonne Harvey, founder of Canadian Parents of Murdered Children presented the medal to Derick live, on the air. It was completely unexpected and an incredibly humbling experience.

Derick is proud of his work in the Ottawa Community. He has volunteered countless hours for organizations and causes such as, Canadian Parents of Murdered Children, Victims of Violence, LiveWorkPlay, Quickstart – Early Intervention for Autism, Dreams Take Flight, The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, Tim Horton's Camp Day, The Chrissy Predham Memorial Golf Tournament, The CHEO Teddy Bear Picnic, BARK Ottawa, Easter Seals, Habitat for Humanity, Harmony House, Carefor, The MS Society of Ottawa, IODE Walter Baker Chapter, The Children’s Wish Foundation, Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley and VOICES Found, to name a few.

Out of the spotlight, Derick enjoys following a variety of sports, reading, acting, music, attending local events and spending time with his wife Monika, her son Max and his daughter, Chloe.